Revival Running Dog Walk Online Training Group
Start date -
Any upcoming Monday!
**This training group can begin any upcoming Monday from the current date. You can specify your start date on the entry form.
Price - $225/4 weeks(plus any applicable taxes). *See monthly subscription options below.
Having issues with perfecting your running dog walk?
Ready to give up and go to a stopped?
Unsure what method to use or what online course to choose?'ve done an online class and that method just didn't work for you!
Look no more!!
The FlatOut Dogs Revival Running Dogwalk Training Group is for you!!!
From submission of video and explanation of issues, Aaron will take your dog's current dog walk performance, use dog training and adaptation of methods, and will aim to perfect your dog's dogwalk performance!
Receive bi-weekly feedback tailored to your team and your team's issues.
Who is this training group suitable for?
- Any team, at any stage in their dog walk training!
- Appliable for those teams currently competing OR even those teams who have started dog walk training, but unsure how to progress or having issues moving forward.
What method will be used?
- Any and all of the above!!
- Aaron will use up to date dog training methods and tailor the training speciic for your dog and training space.
Not one method is best for all dogs! Adaptation and adjustment is needed, and that is what this training group is all about!
This group includes a monthly subscription. Sign up for as many or as little months as you wish!!
How the course works?
- Get direction and drills specific to build your running dog walk, from foundations to competition ready.
- Max of (2) 5 min video sessions can be posted per week / 10 mins of video per week.
- Training group to use a private Fb group.
- Personalized feedback and direction via text and voice feedback.
Monthly sign up - $225cad/4 weeks (plus any applicable taxes)
FlatOut Fundamentals Featuring Flix
March 24th, 2025
A 7-week online course!
Working Spot: $350+appliable taxes
Auditing Spot: $250+appliable taxes
5 FlatOut Fundamentals will be the focus topics for this course:
Fundamental #1 - Failures to Success, the art of building resilience!
Fundamental #2 - This is a "Serious" Game!
Fundamental #3 - 'Don't be that dog!'
Fundamental #4 - This is a Team Sport!
Fundamental #5 - "Just be Better!"
This online course is built for any level agility team whose aim. is to set in the core values and skills that shape the core agility fundamentals used by FlatOut Dogs in their agility teams.
In this course, with the balance of both listening learning time (through video podcast) and handler-only modules, and hands-on skill-building time, you will progress through the stages of the fundamentals that set of core of FlatOut Dogs Foundations.
At FlatOut Dogs we view the world of agility in a unique way! Categorizing training into what we call "FlatOut Fundamentals".
In this course, you will learn of in detail and build, all FlatOut Fundamentals in your team.
During each weekly release, there will be focus placed on a single core Fundamental! During each week, learning modules for handler-only and skill-based learning will be included, focusing on the week's FlatOut Fundamental. These will provide you with the perfect balance of theory and hands-on skills building.
By the end of this 7-week course, you will have a solid understanding of all FlatOut Fundamentals, in both theory and in practice.
FlatOut Fundamentals provides the core platform that has proven time and time again, to produce solid, skilled, connected, and resilient agility teams!
This class includes:
-Video demonstrations with Aaron & Flix
-Regular Lesson Releases related to the weekly lesson Fundamental - including:
-'Video-Podcast' releases
-Handler-only learning modules
-Skill-building exercises to work with your dog
-Individualized feedback and answering of questions.
Space Required:
Mostly the comfort of your home! Most learning modules can be completed in your own living space.
Some drills will require approx. a 30x50' space. Most skills and drills can be compressed to smaller spaces.
Equipment Required:
3-4 Jumps (to be used as full jumps and to be used as single wings)
1 Tunnel (10', 15' or 20')
Laptop or smart device to access course material and/or to video your own training sessions.
Minimum Dog Age:
***There is no minimum dog's age for entry, however it is recommended the dog has basic value for commitment to wings, jumps, and tunnels, and basic recall value.
Working vs. Auditing Spot:
A working spot gives you access to all course content & the ability to post questions at any time, as well as post videos of your training sessions for review and feedback!
Auditors have access to all course content and can ask questions, however, are unable to post videos of training sessions for feedback.
If a auditing spot is selected, upgrading to a working spot can be done at any time.
International Skills Prep Course
Dates: Starting - March 24th, 2025
This is 6 week online course is designed for those who wish to up their skillset! Whether you are preparing for International competition or simply wish to build and proof high level skills, this course is for you!
This course will provide a directed training plan and provide a large variety of International style drills, courses, and skill building!
Working Spot: $250+appliable taxes
Auditing Spot: $175+appliable taxes
This class includes:
Weekly Lessons - Includes targets skills, drills and sequences aimed to build skills often found in International level competition.
Themes built from statistics collected from recent international level courses.
Skills of focus:
- Threadle Proofing, Layer Skills, Contact Exit Proofing & Discrimination, Teeter proofing & turns, Weave entry & exit proofing.
*One skill focused on per week to allow focus on specific skill building and proofing.
Individualized coaching to push your training and handling!
Video demos of working our dogs completing many of the weekly drills and challenges!
Space Required:
Drills & Courses to be designed to fit on both 50x60' and 60x100' grids.
Equipment Required:
8 Jumps
2 Tunnels (15 or 20')
Contacts - Dogwalk or Frame, and Teeter - A max of 1 contact used in drills/courses with contacts.
If Dogwalk is used in courses/seqs, it can be replaced with Frame OR Teeter + 1 jump.
12 Weave Poles
Working vs. Auditing Spot:
A working spot gives you access to all course content & the ability to post questions at any time, as well as post videos of your training sessions for review and feedback!
Auditors have access to all course content, however, are unable to post videos of training sessions for feedback.
Volume 2.0
March 24th, 2025
Working Spot:
$250.00+hst per handler.
Auditing Spot:
$200.00+hst per handler.
For those of you who have completed the first edition of this course, Volume 2 is the new & improved version! New material, updated information and ways to thinking, new courses...the list goes on!
This is a 6 week Handler-ONLY Online course! Of which can all be completed from the comfort of your couch!
This course is an extensive knowledge filled course. The goal of this course is to provide you, as the handler, with the knowledge of how we, at FlatOut Dogs, systematically analyze courses! The course provides insight into reading lines, appropriate and best handling, while also learning realistic choices for your team.
The content of the course is geared to provide you with the ability to use practical information to make sense of the "what and why" of course analysis. The information learned through this course will allow you to take any course and analyze it as an expert!
Such content includes detailed lessons and examples, teaching you an understanding of lead changes, focal points, dog speed and approach to obstacles, while also learning how to predict unsafe lines, and build the knowledge of how to create safe lines for your dogs!
This class includes:
Written booklets of a systematic approach to course analysis.
5 written Booklets! - From the basics of understanding course analysis to critical decision making!
Informational Videos & Demos posted with written Lessons, to deepen your understanding.
1 Information Booklet is posted every 2 weeks for your review.
Courses for analysis included in each Lesson Booklets - Putting your new knowledge to the test, your analysis of the courses provided, are to be posted for feedback!
Live Recorded Course Analysis sessions!
Working vs. Auditing Spot:
A working spot gives one access to all course content & the ability to post questions at any time, as well as post analysis of the provided courses for feedback.
Auditors have access to all course content, the ability to ask questions at anytime, however, are unable to post analysis of provided courses for feedback.
Dates: Starting - March 24th, 2025
Working Spot - $300.00 +hst per spot
Auditing Spot - $250.00 +hst per spot
This is a 12 week online course!
This online course is built from the training between Crave & Aaron, in the development of their team.
To complete this course you do not have to had completed the FlatOut Core Foundations course.
During this course you will see Crave learn a large number of skills & foundations. Teaching her from the simpliest of behaviours to the most complex needed to build the skills you need (both dog & handler) to run any agility course in your future.
The course includes the progressive teaching of skills that include such topics as:
- Building wing & Jump commitment
- Obstacle training & Discrimination
- Verbal proofing
- Arousal & Impulse Control
- Handling understanding
- The beginnings of contact training - running & stopped contacts!
- The foundations of jump work/style
- Threadle Training & Proofing
- Line Connection & your dogs ability to read & commit to any line
...the list goes on!
This is a video based course, including both videos of Crave’s training & written instructions of training plans used by Aaron in his training.
This course includes skills that build on one another, progressing to teach Crave, and of course you and your dog all the foundations skills needed to create a solid agility team.
Signing up for this course gives you a 12 week access to a private Facebook group, used solely for the participants of this course.
The goal of this nline course is to provide you with the information and methods used at FlatOut Dogs, in the training of a puppy/young agility dog, both specific agility foundation skills & life skills, with the goal of developing solid agility skills & foundations.
The content of the course is through video post, which will include active demonstration of all skills, games & training completed with Crave over her development, along with written information throughout the course.
There are both working spots & auditing spots.
To enter in a Working Spot - Dog must be 6+ mths of age. Course is open to any team wishing to build & perfect their agility skills!
Auditors can take part in everything, including seeing all content, videos, questions and discussions. Having a working spot, allows one to post videos of your own training with your dog, for review & feedback.
**Working spots – 1 dog per drill/game and maximum of 5 mins of video per week.
**Limited working spots accepted!**
This class includes:
• 3-5 Video posts every 1-2 weeks, including demonstration and verbal instructions of all exercises, games and training completed between Aaron & Crave!
• Written information to provide you with the knowledge and information used by Aaron in his training.
Core Weaves Foundations - Weaves to Perfection
This is a 12 week online course!
Courses start Date: March 24th, 2025
Weave Core Foundations - & Weaves to Perfection
Working Spot: $350+hst
Auditing Spot: $250+hst
This class is an all-inclusive Weaves training course. This course will take place over a 12 week period.
This course is suitable for those either currently/ready to begin working foundation skills of weave training or those at the level of proofing any part of their dog’s weave performance.
If at the weave foundation level, you will be entered in the "FlatOut Foundation - Core Weave Foundations".
This portion of the Weave Proofing course will include teaching your dog to weave using a modified 2x2 weave training method. This method includes an extensive process of training your dog how to weave, while proofing motion, discrimination, distractions, forward drive, and building true independence, all while training your dog how to weave.
Entering the foundations level of this course you will be given access to this portion of the course only, however, after the 12 weeks of the course are complete, you will be given the option to continue on with the weave proofing course. See below..
If you're at the weave proofing stage of training with your dog, you will enter "FlatOut Weaves to Perfection". This course will involve a series of drills (starting with 6 weaves & progressing to 12 weaves) involving building your dog's weaving understanding. Including but not exclusive to: Entry proofing, weave handling, discrimination, proofing exits,...the list goes on.
Entering the Skills to Perfection level of this course you will be given access to this portion of the course only.
This weave course, for both levels, includes video & written information.
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