UKI Titles/Awards Page

UKI Titles/Awards & Move-Ups Page

Complete the form below to submit your request
for your UKI Move-Ups and/or Title!

FlatOut Dogs 

Important Information: 
  • One form must be completed per Title/Award and/or Move-Up

  • To inquire about same-day move ups see Aaron or Joe

  • Titles/Award Rosettes will be presented during the Awards ceremony at the end of the last day of the trial. 
    If for some reason, you are unable to attend the Awards ceremony, please come see Aaron or Joe to receive you Title/Award before leaving. 

    We encourage everyone, if possible, to attend the Awards Ceremony. Attending this ceremony is important to show your support for those who have worked hard and it has paid off and they are receiving a Title/Award.

When filling out this Entry Form all " ** " categories MUST be completed!

UKI Title/Award & Move-Ups Form

**If you are clicking 'Submit' & nothing to happening, your form is not complete!
Please review and be sure all sections with a "**" in the section name, has been complete. Submission will not be possible without ALL of these sections complete.
Success of submission will redirect you to a confirmation page!

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